Tuesday 14 October 2014

NetSuite SuiteScript Can Help You Achieve Peak Efficiency Across the Board

NetSuite SuiteScript is an incredibly useful tool-set that developers can used to host and build everything right from basic functions to complex business process flows. You can even create entirely new applications within NetSuite. SuiteScript combines JavaScript and a set of objects and functions that interacts with the NetSuite environment.

Software developers using SuiteScript can expand the functionalities of the standard and custom processes and record types. They can develop a new user interface and enjoy the benefits associated with robust application architecture and on-demand hosting efficiencies necessary for reliable and flawless interaction between the NetSuite Standard and custom processes.

The Key Advantages

The most interesting feature of NetSuite SuiteScript is its ability to bring together flexible scripting models that support customization requirements in a workflow process. SuiteScript logic is allowed to run as a part of the schedule, to process records types such as invoices or data. The Client script can easily be used to authenticate data entered by the user within the browser. It can also run the logic when field selection is altered and is well capable of performing any other process on the move.

More Benefits

Performance optimization is another key advantage of NetSuite SuiteScript. Response time is significantly slowed down by scripts following ‘After Submit’ functions of user event. This happens as end users save records as functions are performed synchronously. This issue can be resolved by offloading intensive processing during ‘After Submit’ to scheduled scripts. It makes scheduled script execution non-synchronous and relative to your user events.

NetSuite SuiteScript enhances the competence of a full-featured scripting application throughout NetSuite. It helps support sophisticated procedural logic, and can be used for robust debugging procedures. The NetSuite SuiteScript offers an amazing way to achieve cloud application construction and can be used for limitless customization, virtually.

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